Archaeological evidence indicated that the oldest antiquities discovered recently were stone tools in the Kednarte region in northern Sudan and dated back to one million and three hundred thousand years and they are the first indications of the existence of the first human in the Nile River region .

There is a mafia now operating in smuggling antiquities in the rich archaeological areas in Sudan Recently, intermittent thefts were carried out in the Al-Bajrawi, Meroi, and Barkal Museum, and the warehouse of the Caliph's house was broken.

The nations boasted about their effects that bear witness to a civilization that was here. So, what about a nation that used to enjoy great civilizations such as the Nubian civilization? The nations around us are searching for antiquities and looking for those strayed in the far corners of the world to preserve their memory and history. We pay attention to archeology, as if this mission became entrusted only to archaeologists visiting our country, fascinated by our civilization and its archeology, as did Charles Bonnet and other archaeologists and anthropologists, the exact opposite happens in our country where anti-history practices are active against the preservation of our cultural heritage and the worst of these practices is theft The antiquities and their smuggling to the outside. The antiquities are threatened with extinction.

The strange thing is that some state agencies have a big role in that, especially the citizens themselves who sell their civilization and the history of their forefathers at a low price for a handful of money that does not sing and is not valued by hunger .. (The current) I tried through research investigation On the reasons that led to the destruction of the Sudanese antiquities, especially the activity of foreign gangs exploiting the "Dahaba" in the mining areas to steal Sudan's civilization.

All countries that preserve the effects of other civilizations .. pay generously to preserve them and introduce insurance methods and educate those who deal with them and with them about the importance of antiquities,and their role in developing the economy,and Sudan is one of the countries that God has loved civilizations whose roots are rooted in the depths of history, and on its lands hundreds of archaeological sites.

It can be the milking cow that generates millions of dollars for the state treasury .. But .. !! Our archaeological sites are being violated by citizens and foreigners.

Background on the Sudanese monuments Archaeological evidence indicated that the oldest antiquities discovered recently were stone tools in the Kednarte region in northern Sudan and dating back one million and three hundred thousand years and is the first indications of the existence of the first human in the Nile River region and there are indications in other areas where excavations have proven there are the oldest Places of human settlement were found on the island of Sai, which are three hundred thousand years old, and this leads to the fact that the history of the Sudan contained in it the first pre-history part before and after the emergence of civilizations.

The first discoveries were made in Khor Abu Anja and in northern Sudan, but Sudan in the Stone Age was characterized by the presence of the first person and is known as For the rational person, he is a person of Sinja, and this is a very important discovery found in Libya and Morocco, and this illustrates the role of Sudan in the emergence of civilization in the region.

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الآثار السودانية.. إنهم يسرقون التأريخ - النيلين
الشواهد الأثرية دلت على أن أقدم أثر اكتشف مؤخرا كان أدوات حجرية في منطقة كدنارتي في شمال السودان ويعود عمرها إلى مليون وثلاثمائة ألف عام وهي أول المؤشرات...

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